Encapel Grander, Japanese dictionary reserved for 300 million

Enpoon (joint representative delivery, Jung Hyun Ho) said that the number of Japanese dictionaries in the MMORPG Grand Sauga, the MMORPG Grand Salar, said that the number of Japanese dictionaries reserved for 3 million.

Recommended Japanese Dictionaries for learners

Granders are the first title of Encapel, followed by domestic services on the 18th.

To this end, since last August, various promotions in Japan are developed as well as pre-reservation events, and new IPs released in Japan are increasing the most dictionary reservoirs and raising 3 million people and increase expectations.

Enpose has suggested a collaboration with Yoshitakawa Shimamura Yoko, a master of the Japanese game industry through local showcase in August.

In addition, participated in the Tokyo Games Show 2021, the Tokyo Games show 2021, the Japanese version of 160 people participated in the localized Japanese version to obtain a response to the local users.

Grandera s Japanese service is responsible for the Enpace Cell s subsidiary game flex, and it will proceed with a variety of local marketing to formal launch, including special animation advertisements participating in Japan s popular Rock Band Rad Wimmer.


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